Tuesday, November 20

Today was the start of my 'disciplined me' plan. On time for 2nd lesson of the day. Tremendous improvement. Considering first lesson was at 9am. zzz Then I received after school :

U hv been absent 3 times.
Ur PEM is notified u cud be debarred.
Contact me.
Pls do NoT reply this PC sms

(This is so not a computerized message)
Ms Jen have been egging me to attend her lessons. Be it on the streets when its drizzling, on the phone when the cars are deafening. Seriously! I need to instill some discipline. I've bloody hell missed two ICA(s) Bery good

E pop a question during lecture. 'I realized you've been listening in lectures' As a matter of fact, I have been. Whether or not have I gained the knowledge is another matter. So you guys pretty much get an idea how diligent I've been in lectures. I've been skipping tutorials and the more I shouldn't stop walking to the line even if I were to break both of my legs?! (I can still crawl dammit)

Hurray to cancellations of lab lessons!

5 hrs of lab is enough for me to take a nap and jumbo for dinner

Its funny how we set qualifications for the person to love,
when at the back of our minds
we know that the one
we'll truly love will always be an

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