Monday, November 19

Five parts
Five members
  • Introduction (The noob's best friend is always given this)
  • Procedures (Twice it was me)
  • Experimental Data (Other 3 member, either one. Mind you, its just copy 'n' paste for this)
  • Discussion of Results (All 5)
  • Conclusion (Me again)
1st. It was looking for pictures
(I felt bad cuz I was the one given the easy job)
2nd. It was procedures and a 1/2 part of conclusion
(So I thought procedures for me was fair considering what I've did for the 1st. I closed an eye for conclusion part)
3rd. Now its procedures and conclusion!
(Its going too far fucker!)

I'm doing the major two parts, what the hell is the resting doing!? This is the agitating part, I sent him my part on the 2nd proj. on procedures, he actually changed it all. Tell me what the point of doing then? I mean, what's the point of me doing if you're gonna put it all in your own words in the end? Seriously, this time I'm gonna just do w/o even reading it again and sent it to you. You're gonna change it anyway

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